please confirm用法
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關於「please confirm用法」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:
- 1想回國外客戶e-mail:收到了!這樣回信才專業
最常見的英文回信可以用”Thank you for your email“,較正式的回覆怎樣回才專業? ... This is to confirm that I have received y...
- 2回信給國外客戶怕怕的?6 種英文開頭句型 - 經理人
以下就透過回覆追蹤信的範例,舉出6 大英文句型開頭,幫你掌握回覆追蹤信的 ... 這題考的是動詞confirm 的用法,分別有接名詞的用法(Please confirm ...
- 35 個常用英文書信回覆短語 - 工商時報
Please/Kindly acknowledge receipt of this email/message. 信件請確認收悉。 VoiceTube 整理了幾個較常見的英文書信回覆短語,是否覺...
- 4英文email範例:回覆商業和個人電子郵件
As agreed, I have scheduled a follow-up meeting with our director, Roger and Carrie, for next Mon...
- 5英文email最常犯的錯誤:回信說well received,老外只會疑惑 ...
很多人在收到email習慣回覆"Well received with thanks"。 ... (O)This is to confirm that I have received your e...